Instructors | Online Learning for Teachers pursuing Continuing Education and Professional Development | The Connecting Link


TCL Instructors

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John has a Master of Education and brings to TCL more than two decades of experience. He has counseled, taught, and coached at the middle school, high school, and college levels. John developed and implemented a developmental guidance curriculum. He was recognized as educator of the year by the Norfolk County Teacher’s Association. 

In his free time, John likes being active – working out, staying upright in his kayak, camping, and fishing. He loves to cook and plays golf.

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Dr. Jordan Anderson is currently the Director of Learning Services for Barrington 220 School
District, a PK-12+ school district in Barrington, Illinois. Jordan has a Bachelor of Arts degree in
Elementary Education with minors in Special Education and Psychology from Trinity Christian
College, a Master of Arts degree in Curriculum and Instruction from St. Xavier University, a
Master of Science degree in Educational Leadership from Concordia University, and a Doctor of
Education degree in Educational Leadership with an endorsement in the Superintendency from
Concordia University.

Jordan began her career teaching special education and general education with Cary District 26
and Kildeer District 96. She later moved into an administrative role with Woodland District 50
before joining Barrington 220 in July 2021. As Director of Learning Services, Jordan oversees
professional development, social-emotional learning, privately placed special education case
management, new educators, and gifted and extended programming.

Jordan is passionate about professional learning and desires for all educators to be able to
learn and grow while maximizing their personal and professional time. She is dedicated to
providing a collaborative experience that will allow educators to immediately implement ideas
and strategies into their classrooms while connecting with other educators in the area.

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Kirstin is currently a teacher and Instructional Coach at Lyons Township High School in LaGrange/Western Springs. She has been in the district for five years, where she has played various roles. Kirstin currently teaches sophomores, but she has taught freshmen in the past. She has taught all levels of English at some point in her eighteen-year teaching career.  

As an Instructional Coach, Kirstin has the opportunity to help plan Professional Development for her district as well as directly work with 10-12 teachers one-on-one every year. The focus of the Instructional Coaching program is to create more student-centered classrooms through the use of standards and skills-based instruction while incorporating formative practices. Kirstin has worked with her small team of coaches to bring the goals of the district to fruition in a range of classrooms. She has worked with teachers in some capacity from almost every department.  

As well as working at Lyons Township and The Connecting Link, Kirstin is a mother of two young girls. She lives in the city and is a product of the Chicago Public School System. Her daughters attend CPS schools, and Kirstin is committed to raising her children in the city. She also has two dogs, and she would have five more if her husband agreed. He doesn’t.

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Jessica Downey is currently an assistant principal at Benjamin Elementary School in Normal, IL. She has been working in education for nine years, beginning as a 6th-grade teacher before transitioning to 4th-grade, and now working in educational administration. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from Illinois State University and two Master of Arts degrees also from Illinois State; one in Reading and the other in Educational Administration.


As an assistant principal, Jessica has the opportunity to build positive relationships with students, staff, and families.  She helps lead the Positive Behavior System team at her school and focuses on how to help each student be successful both academically and personally. Jessica challenges herself and seeks ways to improve her effectiveness in instruction, management, and behavior. During her time in the classroom, Jessica mentored first-year teachers and student teachers. She is passionate about learning and growing, and wants to work with other educators in continuing this journey.  


In addition to working at Benjamin and The Connecting Link, Jessica lives in the country with her husband and dog, Bailey. She enjoys spending time outside with her family and dog, running, and reading in the backyard.

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“Teaching is the act of sharing the knowledge we have been given by others with hope that someday, by some way, it will again be passed on.” 

Shelly Fisher’s passion for teaching is never-ending. She presently has unlimited energy teaching 2nd graders, but also plays a huge role in her school building as a leader of the Positive Behavior Intervention System team and as a designee for her principal. Shelly holds her teaching degree in Elementary Education with an endorsement in Mathematics and a master’s degree in Educational Administration. 

Mrs. Fisher continually challenges herself and seeks ways to improve teacher effectiveness by meeting the needs of the ever-changing world of education, holding high accountability for the students in her K-5 building who range from ESL learners, Gifted Learners, children with Autism, children with learning disabilities, speech impaired children, to children with social and emotional issues. 

She also provides leadership to colleagues, student teachers, teacher’s assistants and teachers who explore her classes through The Connecting Link. She has been a TCL instructor since 1991 and continues to provide classes that are exciting, motivating and useful for teachers who are always trying to be the key factor in their students’ lives and success. Experienced with many different TCL classes, Shelly strives to keep them current and is always excited to hear when her students apply knowledge gained from her classes in their educational setting. She focuses on giving time for teachers and educational staff to share, compare, contrast and dig deeper into educational experiences and strategies.

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Throughout her tenure in education, Dr. Frey has enjoyed teaching and serving as an administrator in K-16 settings. She has a depth of experience in educational leadership, successful grant writing, and educational policy development and implementation. Dr. Frey is a national and regional presenter on student development, program design and assessment, and leadership in higher education.

Her areas of professional interest are: support and persistence of first-generation college students, leadership and social justice, and multicultural education. Her active scholarship is the impact of positive psychology on pedagogical design and the vocational development of a college student. She has been recognized regionally for her support and advocacy of LGBTQ issues and her work in student affairs.

Dr. Frey holds a Doctorate in Education from Seattle University, a Master of Education in Multicultural Education from the University of Washington, and a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Pacific Lutheran University. Dr. Frey's passion is being a leader/educator and working in partnership with others to become their best selves. 

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Natalie has a Master of Education degree and has taught 8th-grade physical science classes for 18 years.  Natalie has also developed and implemented the school district’s accelerated physics curriculum and taught it remotely and in person.  Natalie has worked with her school’s leadership team for many years, focusing primarily on truancy and student attendance, and has been a science curriculum member and science team leader for multiple years.

While teaching 8th graders all day and joining the TCL team, Natalie is married with 2 daughters.  Her daughters participate in Tae Kwon Do and are currently on the local swim team.  Natalie loves to stay active, including attending classes at OrangeTheory Fitness, swimming in the backyard pool, and playing basketball with her girls. 

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Dr. Mike McGowan is currently a Technology Director and building administrator for Sunnybrook School District 171, a Pre-K to 8th grade district in Lansing, Illinois. He is also an executive board member for ICE (Illinois Computing Educators), the Illinois ISTE (International Society for Technology in Educators) affiliate. Mike has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of St. Francis, a degree in Education with a focus on Teaching Computers and Business from Lewis University, and a master's degree from Concordia University in School Administration. 

Mike started his career right out of college, teaching Computer Basics classes at Joliet Junior College. He has taught everything from Pre-K up through high school. For the past 13 years, he has been a Technology Director and administrator, helping school districts integrate technology into daily operations and curriculum for his schools. Mike is a firm believer that technology can be a vital enhancement to the learning experience so long as it is intended to supplement instruction rather than supplant it. 

Mike is also an international speaker on a variety of educational technology topics. He has spoken on topics including the use of interactive whiteboards in the classroom, free educational technology resources, use of coding to engage and enhance learning, more recently the design and construction of Makerspaces/STEM labs and the use of virtual reality in the classroom. Mike has had the privilege to speak at conferences all across Illinois and in Maryland, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Iowa, as well as presenting in Canada and Germany. 

His true passion is making sure all students have access to available technology as they will likely have technology-related jobs. Engaging students to become proficient in computer-based skills now will better prepare them for those future careers. 

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Steve brings over thirty years' experience in K-12 education, ranging from teacher, assistant principal, elementary school principal, administrator, project manager, and executive coach. His graduate degrees are in Educational Administration and Supervision and Music Education. Steve has designed professional development and workshops for teachers, directors, and parents on student assessments, 21st-century learning, Common Core Standards, Danielson Framework for Teaching, and best practices. In his free time, he enjoys writing, listening to music, taking long walks, biking, and kayaking.

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Jill’s career began in 2002 as a licensed teacher in the areas of special education, reading, and health. She embraces diversity and has worked with students in grades K-12 in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and California. Jill completed her Master of Science degree at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls while teaching full time. While her role in education has recently shifted to curriculum and instruction, she fully understands the soaring demands of today’s teachers. Her courses are designed to maximize the time of educators by providing meaningful, applicable, and research-based activities and resources to enhance professional practices. Jill lives in Wisconsin and enjoys traveling and exploring the great outdoors with her husband and two young sons. 

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Toni Schrage has been a teacher for 24 years. She currently teaches ESL in grades K-5 at Springfield School District 186 in Springfield, Illinois. She is also a reading skills teacher for Lincoln Land Community College in Springfield, Illinois. Toni teaches online and blended graduate-level courses to educators seeking their ESL endorsements for the University of St. Francis in Joliet, Illinois. She has experience teaching in grades K-12, undergraduate students, and master's degree-seeking students. Toni has worked with gifted students at the middle school level and special education students at the elementary, middle school, and college levels. 

Toni was born and grew up in Auburn, Illinois. She received her bachelor's degree in elementary education from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. She moved to Arizona for her first teaching position and received her master’s degree in Elementary Education with an endorsement in English as a Second Language from Northern Arizona University. Toni enjoys providing educators with information that will enhance their teaching.  

Since Toni is constantly learning and seeking new ideas, she hopes you will enjoy the flexibility of the programs that are offered at TCL.

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Lori Truter is a school counselor and educator from the state of Illinois. She has over 20 years of teaching and counseling experience with students from pre-kindergarten to post-graduate in a variety of settings. Her passion is helping people “see the best and be the best” version of themselves. Mrs.Truter has taught for TCL for over 17 years and holds a master’s degree in School Counseling, a certificate in Educational Leadership and Elementary Education and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.

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Mary Wolf has been working for The Connecting Link for eight years. She is a 5th-grade math teacher in suburban Chicago, where she has been teaching for thirteen years. She began her association with TCL as a student and was intrigued by the varied course offerings and the multiple instructional delivery methods (in person, online, structured). Over the years, she has met many outstanding educators through Connecting Link classes and looks forward to enhancing those and forging new ones!

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Paul has developed and written many of our most popular tech courses. Technology is changing the face and direction of education; however, Paul makes it a point in all of his courses to invoke the human side of the classroom. Technology should be a medium to reach students, but the teacher is what drives the learning and engagement.  Paul’s work experiences have taken him around the world to a variety of school districts and classrooms. He is eager to hear your experiences and shares his to reflect together on the art of teaching.

In his free time, Paul travels around North America watching his son play hockey. His passion for teaching never stops, and he even finds time to stop into local schools in the communities he visits to see what they are doing!

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