March is National Women’s History Month: 5 Activities to Celebrate in the Classroom


Amelia Earhart, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks - the history of the United States is comprised of inspiring and intriguing women. March is National Women’s History month. We’ve put together five activities to help you and your students honor and learn more about the notable women of our past and present.

100 Years of Incredible Women
The first female self-made millionaire in America, an activist for peace and gender equality, the first female aviator – these women, along with four others – are spotlighted in this short video, 100 Years of Incredible Women. Most likely this video will pique students’ curiosities about women who inspire them.

The National Women’s Hall of Fame
Take your students on a virtual fieldtrip to Seneca Falls, New York - home of the National Women’s Hall of Fame. From Faye Glenn Abdellah, a pioneer in the medical field, to Olympian Mildred Didrikson Zaharias, students will admire beautiful portraits while discovering legendary stories behind the many influential Women of the Hall.

A Timeline of Women’s Rights
In 1920, women won the right to vote. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act outlawed discrimination based on gender, religion, and race. In 1978, discrimination against women who were pregnant was outlawed. Have your students create a timeline of major milestones involved with women’s rights. No doubt they will be amazed to learn about the persistence and sacrifice behind the rights many of us now take for granted.

Inspiring Quotes
“Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” – Amelia Earhart
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” – Audrey Hepburn
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Give students the opportunity to explore and select quotes of notable women that resonate with them. Display the quotes on a “Words of Wisdom Wall” in your classroom or in the hallway.

Career Women

Doctor Elizabeth Blackwell; Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O’Connor; and American-born French Chef, Julia Child are just a few examples of successful women who were pioneers and leaders within their career fields. Invite students to research and discover the inspiring women within their own future career interests.

We hope these activities will help your students discover the important contributions women of our past and present have made while giving them hope and inspiration for the future. How will you be celebrating National Women’s History Month in your classroom? Please share your own ideas.

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Jill Rockwell
Jill has over 13 years of experience as a licensed teacher in the areas of Special Education, Reading Education, and Health Education. She embraces diversity and has worked with students in grades K-12 in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and California. Jill completed her Master of Science degree at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls while teaching full time. She fully understands the soaring demands of today’s teachers. Her courses are designed to maximize the time of all educators by providing engaging, meaningful, and applicable activities which can be used to enhance teaching practices. She focuses on research-based best practices and technology integration throughout her own instructional practices. Together with her husband and two young boys, Jill enjoys traveling, biking and the changing seasons of the great outdoors in Wisconsin. 

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