The Chromebook Classroom: Google Apps and Productivity Tools for Classroom Collaboration | Online Learning for Teachers pursuing Continuing Education and Professional Development | The Connecting Link


The Chromebook Classroom: Google Apps and Productivity Tools for Classroom Collaboration

Graduate-Level Credit / Non-Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits or 45 Clock Hours

Course Description
Educators will learn how to use a Chromebook, Google Apps, and various other applications for delivering any course content to their students.  Educators will become skilled on how Chromebooks can promote their content area, differentiate instruction, provide multiple representations, and motivate their own professional development.  Educators will gain understanding of Internet resources, Google Chromebook applications, Google Play, Google Classroom, the flipped classroom, videos, and more to maximize the learning environment.

Global Goals of the Course
To deepen and/or apply the content and skills of the teacher’s existing professional knowledge base by meeting the following global goals of the course:

1. To design and develop 21st century skills across curriculums (NBPTS 1; ISTE 1; InTASC 1, 3, 5, 7; DFFET 1abe, 2bc, 3cde, 4acef)
2. To appraise key technological tools (Chromebooks and Apps) and strategies for their impact on teaching and learning (NBPTS 1, 2, 3, 5; ISTE 2, 3; InTASC 1, 2, 4-8; DFFET 1de, 2bc, 3ce, 4af)
3. To employ emerging technology tools and Chromebooks to design, develop, and evaluate relevant experiences for students (NBPTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; InTASC 1-8; DFFET 1abde, 2c, 3bcde, 4acef )
4. To employ other educational professionals to improve student learning through the use of Chromebooks in the classroom (NBPTS 5; ISTE 5; InTASC 9,10; DFFET 2c, 3ce, 4acef )
5. To demonstrate proficient knowledge of skills and concepts related to Chromebook Apps and integration of a Chromebook to create learning experiences for students (NBPTS 1-5; ISTE 1-4; InTASC 4, 5, 6; DFFET 1abcdef, 2c, 3cde, 4acef )


By Christian Ledbetter
Reviewed 1 year ago
The instructor (paul wright) was amazing. He was helpful getting me accustomed to the class procedures and gave tremendous feedback on my assignments

By Thomas Kennedy
Reviewed 2 years ago
Great class, you could work at your own pace and the professor was super helpful and very responsive.

By Carl Rhineberger
Reviewed 1 year ago
Thank you for offering these classes and for the constructive feedback

By David Root
Reviewed 1 year ago
The instructors feedback was very timely and actionable. I strongly recommend Prof. Wright.

Related Reading:

Self-Paced courses are delivered within our online classroom and available 24/7. You can begin your study program at any time.

Online structured courses are delivered within our online classroom and available within a specific scheduled time window with your instructor.

Site based courses are delivered on site in certain locations during a specific date range with a live instructor.

Interactive courses are delivered via Zoom at specific times with a live instructor.