School Law for Teachers: Understanding Rights and Responsibilities | Online Learning for Teachers pursuing Continuing Education and Professional Development | The Connecting Link


School Law for Teachers: Understanding Rights and Responsibilities

Graduate-Level Credit / Non-Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits or 45 Clock Hours

Course Description
This course is designed to help teachers understand school law as it pertains to the rights of students, the rights of teachers, and the legal expectations of today’s public schools, thereby improving their effectiveness.  Participants in this course will develop an overall sense of the spirit of school law so that they may not only teach students to become good citizens, but also to ensure that their rights are protected in the educational process.  In addition, participants will learn about their rights as government employees regarding Freedom of Speech and employment issues.

Global Goals of the Course
To deepen and/or apply the content and skills of the teacher’s existing professional knowledge base by meeting the following global goals of this course: 

1. To understand the relationship between the Constitution and school law
2. To comprehend First Amendment Rights as they differ from students to faculty in public school settings (InTASC 2)
3. To analyze case studies and case law as they pertain to the role of a teacher (NBPTS 3)
4. To enhance teachers’ understanding of the “spirit of the law” as it is applied to schools (InTASC 9)
5. To examine the implications of federal laws and acts (Civil Rights Act, Title IX, IDEA, etc.) on classroom practices (NBPTS 4)
6. To learn employee and employer rights and responsibilities as defined by law 




By Cori Piper
Reviewed 3 years ago
He was AMAZING. He knew the topic and I learned a lot about school law that was relative to my district and position.

By Wendy Loveless
Reviewed 2 years ago
Steve Novak was awesome! This was my first course with him and I enjoyed him and how he engaged everyone to participate.

By David Brown
Reviewed 1 year ago
Instructor gave timely and meaningful feedback.

Related Reading:

Self-Paced courses are delivered within our online classroom and available 24/7. You can begin your study program at any time.

Online structured courses are delivered within our online classroom and available within a specific scheduled time window with your instructor.

Site based courses are delivered on site in certain locations during a specific date range with a live instructor.

Interactive courses are delivered via Zoom at specific times with a live instructor.