Principles of Brain-Based Learning: Teaching 21st Century Minds | Online Learning for Teachers pursuing Continuing Education and Professional Development | The Connecting Link


Principles of Brain-Based Learning: Teaching 21st Century Minds

Graduate-Level Credit / Non-Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits or 45 Clock Hours

Course Description
This course is designed to enhance a participant’s knowledge of brain research. The following themes will be explored: brain development, information processing, memory and retention, transferring learning, and critical thinking. Participants in this course will explore ways to design brain-friendly and effective lesson plans using the latest scientific findings and discoveries. This course prepares teachers by providing them with the essential elements needed to translate the biology of brain-based learning from theory into classroom practice.

Global Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

1. Evaluate course related research, literature, content, and strategies and make correlations to teacher practice.
2. Analyze how environmental, emotional, and social influences shape brain development and impact learning.
3. Design instruction using brain-based strategies to enhance memory, transfer, and executive function.
4.  Develop an action plan for implementing brain-based learning in the classroom.




By Lisa Zeigler
Reviewed 5 years ago
The course was very engaging and the information is applicable to what I do in the classroom each day.

By Troy Myers
Reviewed 5 years ago
Does a great Job. Gets educators

By Geraldine Sousa
Reviewed 5 years ago
I'm very happy with what I am getting when I enroll in TCL classes. They are very timely subjects and great experiences for me as a 4th grade teacher.

By Haley Havenga
Reviewed 4 years ago
It was A LOT more work than I expected. However, the instructor was very timely in grading and feedback which was appreciated.

By Robert Ward
Reviewed 3 years ago
Mrs. Wolf did a fantastic job providing us with materials to supplement our learning.

Related Reading:

Self-Paced courses are delivered within our online classroom and available 24/7. You can begin your study program at any time.

Online structured courses are delivered within our online classroom and available within a specific scheduled time window with your instructor.

Site based courses are delivered on site in certain locations during a specific date range with a live instructor.

Interactive courses are delivered via Zoom at specific times with a live instructor.